Dream, Girl (the documentary): Showcasing the stories of inspiring femal...

Dream, Girl is a documentary showcasing the stories of inspiring and ambitious female entrepreneurs that premiered at Obama's White House in May 2016.

Featuring the stories of:

Erin Bagwell- founder of Feminist Wednesday, director of Dream, Girl
Komal Minhas- founder of KoMeida, producer of Dream, Girl
Annie Wang- co-founder and co-president of Senvol
Mariama Camara- founder of Mariama Fashion Production, There is No Limit Foundation
Clara Villarosa- co-founder of VillaRosa Media
Joanne Wilson- founder of Gotham Gal Ventures
Suzanne West- founder of Imaginea
Alicia & Linda Villarosa- co-founders of Villarosa Media
Marie Forleo- founder of MarieTV & B-School
Crista Feeman & Jess Eddy- co-founders of Phin & Phebes Ice Cream
Amanda Goetz- CEO and co-founder of Availendar

Made by: Erin Bagwell- creator, producer, director, writer, editor, motion graphics

Komal Minhas- producer
Mary Perrino- director of photography
Victoria Ng- camera operator
Francesca Kustra- editor, camera operator
Sharon Mashihi- audio engineer
Daisy Zhou- lighting
Sal Mastrocola- composition
Diana Matthews- associate producer
Mighty Oak Animations- stop motion animation
