What Happened to the Mom Who Shopped Her Family Broke? | Where Are They ...

From the outside, Felice seemed to be living the American dream, but in reality, she was living a financial lie. When Oprah first met this stay-at-home mother of six in 2007, she admitted to spending $300 to $400 a month at Starbucks and nearly $60 a week on tanning and manicures. “When I do shop, I do kind of get a rush. It makes me feel good,” she said. “Afterwards, though, I get depressed.

Felice didn't have health insurance for her six children. Viewers across the nation were fired up about her reckless spending, but Oprah says Felice was actually a great teacher. Watch Felice's story and find out why pretending to be anything other than who you really are will never allow you to reach your full potential.
