Vampire Friends

So, what “vampire” friendships exist in your life? Who is still your friend who probably shouldn’t be? Do you spend time with someone you don’t actually like that much, but hang out with because you have history? Do you walk away from this person feeling drained dry? The “vampire friend” can take many different forms, but it boils down to this: the friendship needs to end so that your life can go on in a new, better direction. Identify at least one friend who just drains you. It could be someone who only calls when she has problems or she needs help. It could be the friend who dismisses your thoughts or takes you for granted. It could be one who just won’t stop being negative, no matter how hard you try to steer the conversation. It could be the friend who cries when he’s drunk…which happens far too often. The list goes on… You don’t have to confront this person or be unkind to them, but if you no longer enjoy their company—or enjoy it in the moment but feel drained later—then you don’t have to spend time with them. During this week, if possible, don’t commit to any new plans with this person and don’t get involved in long conversations.

 See how you feel at the end of the week. If you didn’t miss that person, or you feel substantively better without them, then they weren’t really your friend anyway.

Who made it difficult? Is the “vampire friend” who leaves you drained still on the list?
